Citizen`s Charter 4.(vii)

Payment of Balance in Accounts of the Deceased Customers to Survivors/ Claimants

The bank follows a simplified procedure for settlement of death claims without insisting on production of succession certificate. However, the bank may adopt such safeguards in considering settlement of claims as appropriate including accepting an indemnity bond. The bank will adopt a simplified procedure for settlement of claims of the deceased customers relating to deposits, contents of Lockers and articles kept in safe custody with the bank. The bank is continuously communicating to its customers for making nomination in the accounts in terms of provisions of the Banking Regulation Act.

The simplified procedure as under:

Settlement of Claim Cases on the basis of Nomination

Where the customer has made a nomination in the deposit account/Locker/ articles kept in safe custody, on death of such customer, the nominee is required to make a request on prescribed form to the concerned branch along with death certificate or other proof of death. The nominee is required to establish his/her identity. The bank will make the payment to the nominee unless on or before the time of payment any order of court is received prohibiting the bank from making such payment. The nominee will receive the money/contents of locker as a trustee of the legal heirs of the deceased.

Settlement of Claim Cases in Joint Accounts with Survivorship Clause

In a Joint Account, if the Account Opening Form provides for payment of the balance to the survivor, upon the death of one of the account holders, payment can be made to the survivor unless on or before the time of payment any order of court is received prohibiting the bank from making such payment. The survivor has to provide a Death Certificate or other proof of death of the joint holder. The Survivor can make a request to the concerned branch for transfer of the outstanding balance in his name.

Settlement of Claims in absence of Nomination and/or Survivorship Mandate

In such cases, the claimant is required to submit a claim form. In case the legal heirs of the deceased customer are identifiable and there is no dispute amongst the legal heirs, the bank has not prescribed any upper ceiling up to which claims can be settled without insisting for obtaining Succession Certificate/Letter of Administration etc. These claims are settled after obtaining Indemnity with or without Surety to the satisfaction of the bank. In case only one of the legal heirs wants to claim / receive the amount or contents of locker etc. he/she can obtain a Power of Attorney in his/her favor from the other legal heirs for receiving the amount of the Deposit Accounts and / or the contents of the Locker.

Timeline for Settlement:

In case all formalities are completed by the claimant(s) the claim will be settled within 15 days from the date of submission of claim documents, complete in all respects, to the Branch. At the time of payment of the claim, the claimant(s) shall give receipt to the Branch.

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